Posted February 26, 2010

Free Book by Brian Tome
Thomas Nelson, February 2010
230 pp., $14.99
I recently joined a new kind of book club: BookSneeze. As a member I receive a free book in exchange for an honest review on my blog. Upon joining it didn’t take me long to choose Free Book by Brian Tome because I agree with every word in the subtitle:
“I am a fanatic about freedom. And I’m fanatical about coming at you hard in this book. I’m tired of seeing people beaten down by the world’s systems and by religion. I’m sick of seeing people live safe, predictable lives while their God-given passions die. I hate the assumption that getting close to God means more rules and restrictions. No more. God’s offering real freedom. Get yours.”- Brian Tome
Brian takes a little different approach to the subject of freedom. You may not agree with everything he says; but give him credit, he passionately covers all areas of life & how to walk out a life of freedom. This was an excellent book. I highly recommend it for those who are serious about living Free!
Here are a few of the topics he discusses:
- Be Void of Fear - cast off whatever hinders you; go after the grand adventure of experiencing God while you experience all of life.
- Be Who God Designed You to Be - live free of condemnation & others’ concern; develop a healthy conscience; not allowing your past to taint your present or future.
- Jesus: the Ultimate Freedom Giver - freedom requires a decision to follow someone; it’s about the one who’s leading you and the way you choose to follow.
- Ride the Forgiveness Freeway – staying free means going with the flow of forgiveness; the more we give the more we receive.
- Live an Unbalanced Life – instead of over committing & striving for balance in multiple areas, throw your weight behind one focused effort; push to experience the fullness of God's blessings.
Don’t go through life burdened by strongholds and fear; struggling with relationships or finances. Experience the grace and truth with which Christ brings us True Freedom!
Read Free Book by Brian Tome.