Feeding Your Appetites:
Take Control of What's Controlling You!
by @SteveArterburn
Thomas Nelson Publishers 2006
206 pp
If you're not familiar with Stephen Arterburn -- check him out. He has been an incredibly important influence on me from the early days of my recovery. In fact The Life Recovery Bible, which he edited and produced with David Stoop, saved my life!
Stephen Arterburn is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and is the host of the nationally syndicated "New Life Live!" daily radio program. Steve's also the founder of the Women of Faith conferences and has written over 60 books. This isn't a Stephen Arterburn advertisement, but I want to put into perspective the value you will get from reading his book.
In Feeding Your Appetites Mr. Arterburn shows us in the beginning, at creation, all our appetites were intended for good. It was only after the fall of man that our natural appetites took on unhealthy purposes.
The career we choose...
- the way we spend our money
- how often we want sex and what kind we want
- the types of friends we build relationships with
- the amount of champagne we drink at a party
...all reflect our distinctive appetites and desires.
- how we prioritize our activities
Our appetites motivate us to seek fulfillment, but they must be managed or they will lead us into a world of regret and tremendous emotional pain. When an appetite intended to help us survive is managed incorrectly, it may become a trap holding us in a deadly grip. Until we give ourselves and our appetites completely over to God, we will remain trapped. ~ Stephen Arterburn
While reading Feeding Your Appetites we will recognize the influences that have led to our poor choices, we will pave new pathways and learn how to fill these natural voids in healthy ways. We will begin to cultivate godly appetites and ultimately live a surrendered life. To ensure our success Stephen has a simple Twelve Step process to help us evaluate our circumstances and map the areas where we're struggling. Also included is a study guide for use with family or small groups.
If you struggle with appetites that have grown out of control consider reading Feeding Your Appetites by Stephen Arterburn.
An enjoyable read that can bring a better life. I highly recommend it!