November 7, 2012

Working the Steps :: STEP 11

We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.  And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. ~ Romans 8:26-27

By working the Twelve Step process we are gradually learning what we want to achieve. To protect what we have learned, we must continually seek God's will for our lives. Through a regular practice of prayer and mediation the burden of our painful past is released in daily increments. 

Prayer and meditation are difficult for some. Whether we've experienced toxic faith in our family or religious circles or grown up unfamiliar with the practices, it's good to begin with baby steps. Let's start by breaking down Step 11 into three parts so that we can understand what's required of us in this step.
  1. What is Prayer? Prayer is talking with God about what His will is for my life.
  2. What is Meditation? Quietly listening and focusing on the Power of God inside me.
  3. What is Conscious Contact? Making myself aware of God's presence with me.
By declaring our spiritual poverty before God through listening prayer we invite His grace into our lives. Trust begins with a childlike attitude; we stop trying to figure things out and become receptive to God's kingdom--His rulership and will. It is here when we are truly listening to God.

With a quieted mind and spirit the promised knowledge and power become available. As we stop giving directions and start listening for God's will our relationship with Him grows deeper. We can then receive His wisdom, peace and love. The courage to carry out His will becomes stronger with each step we take.

Putting Step 11 into practice. First find a quiet, undisturbed place where you can have some prayerful meditation. Choose one of the suggested prayers below. Begin the meditation music video I have selected. Repeat your prayer slowly as you fall into your Heavenly Father's arms. Soak up His presence and listen for His still soft voice. 
Prayers of Meditation
The Jesus Prayer: Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Words of Praise: Praise you, Lord Jesus.
Words of Thanksgiving: Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Meditation music video:

After a relaxing time of prayer and meditation let's celebrate progress with our 12 Step theme song: Step by Step by @Bryan_Duncan