March 23, 2011

Book Review: My Life So Far by Jane Fonda

My Life So Far by Jane Fonda
Random House 2006

What you remember about Jane Fonda may not be all that appealing or interesting. And honestly, this isn't the type of book I normally browse, much less purchase. But after seeing Jane Fonda on a talk show recently I had to order it. At first glance My Life So Far didn't seem to fit the theme of my ministry, but once I read her introduction I knew it was something I was supposed to read and write about. 

Her story will help many women find healing! 

In My Life So Far Ms. Fonda is incredibly transparent about all aspects of her life and marriages. She talks openly about her battle with eating disorders, self image issues and sexuality. Considering she's from my mother's generation; I was amazed at how much my personal issues and emotional feelings mirrored hers. With her history of political controversy, who could imagine Jane Fonda had self-esteem problems?

She opens up about her deepest fears...
"I'm terrified of getting to that place right at the edge of life when there's no time left, being filled with regrets and having no time to set things right.
I began thinking a great deal about [fears of mine] in my late fifties. I had begun to go through deep inner changes--changes that I didn't fully understand until I began writing this book. I realized then that to avoid regrets, I would have to start, while I was still healthy and strong, to name what those might be and to do something about them. I needed to live consciously, and I knew it would mean facing things that frightened me -- like intimacy." 
One of my favorite things is her comparison of life to a play...
Act I    Birth to 29
Act II   30-59    
Act III  60...
"The big difference between life and acting... in life there's no rehearsal... this is it; better get it right before it's over."

Today, I'm challenged to finish my second act with a deeper understanding of myself, life and God. I want to go into Act III with great physical health, intent to have the best ending possible.

My Life So Far is full of wonderful stories of Jane's family and movie making with great photos throughout. It's quite a read to tackle with 600 pages, but definitely worth the time! Whether you're a movie buff, interested in political history or a struggling with personal issues, you'll get caught up in her story and won't want to put it down. Having found a sister/friend... I miss hanging out with her. Her next book Prime Time: Creating a Great Third Act is scheduled to release in September. I've already pre-ordered it!