March 14, 2016

Resurrecting Faith

Life seems always to be a roller coaster of blessings and trials. We moved 10 times in as many years, started a business, tried to start a ministry and settle down only to get uprooted again and again with oppositions continually pressing in. 

For the last 18 months my husband and I have been going through yet again more life transitions. Some have come to completion and others have not. We've been getting hammered on all sides: two moves, deaths in the family, health problems, financial struggles, unexpected legal challenges, job ambiguity, etc...

In every way we’re troubled, but we aren’t crushed by our troubles. We’re frustrated, but we don’t give up. ~  2 Corinthians 4:8 GWT*

I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you my faith has wavered. I've had temper tantrums and fist shaking conversations with The Almighty. But God faithfully takes His little girl by the hand and gently guides her back on His path again.

After a long dry spell, I recently began attending a women's Bible study where we're learning The Fruit of the Spirit. In last week's lesson on Faithfulness, the teacher referenced the Greek root word pistis for Faithfulness which is best translated in the English language as REALITY.  

Flashing lights! AHA moment! Wake-Up call!

My level of faith directly relates to my ability to face reality?

The more I want to escape reality - - the weaker my faith is?


What better time than Easter for God to resurrect my faith!

There is no greater disaster in the spiritual life than to be immersed in unreality, for life is maintained and nourished in us by our vital relation with realities outside and above us...  Let us embrace reality and thus find ourselves immersed in the life-giving will and wisdom of God which surrounds us everywhere. ~ Thomas Merton**

How do you escape reality? Is the faith / reality connection applicable in your life today?

Image credits: daivi / 123RF Stock Photo

*God's Word Translation
**Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton