BREAKING NEWS :: Reaching Hurting Women New Website Is Live!
RHW New Website Is Live!
Thanks for all the ongoing prayers and patience as
I've been working on getting the new website and professional blogging
software ready to go live! The RHW look is new, and will continue to evolve, but
the mission remains constant: “To share Christ’s love, hope and healing with
women everywhere.” I'm looking forward to exploring and sharing more
of the exciting new directions God is taking RHW over the year ahead. I hope to launch podcasts, speaking
engagements, women's retreats, release my book(s) and much more. Please go to
and let
me know what you think!I hope you will take a quick minute to sign up for the free weekly newsletter so you'll
never miss a blog post and can get the latest RHW updates. Also, be sure to like the new Facebook page and follow on Twitter and Instagram. Stay tuned!